Clients & Client Testimonials
Website development & website hosting
Bromley and Sheppard&s CollegesWordPress website with custom templates designed for Retirement appartments for Clerks in Holy Orders at Bromley and Sheppard&s Colleges.
We at Bromley and Sheppard's Colleges engaged Jianway Software Solutions to build a new website for the Colleges following a recommendation from another charity. As the person dealing with this I found the company very helpful nature to be real help in what was for me an alien environment. I continue to work with them, and would have no hesitation in recommending them.Rev Colin Terry, Bromley and Sheppard's Colleges
Website development & website hosting
Blue Ribbon FoundationWordPress website with custom templates designed for male cancer charity, Blue Ribbon Foundation.
A crucial part of establishing a new charity is to have a reliable and attractive website. This is only possible if the technical support for the construction and maintenance is entrusted to equally reliable specialists. We have achieved that with Jianway and have no hesitation in recommending them to others.Mel Lacey, Trustee, Blue Ribbon Foundation

Website development & website maintenance
Mummo, social networking website for mums, was built with symfony php framework. Mummo enables mums to create groups, publish blogs, discuss topics of interest, share knowledge and advertise their businesses.
Website development & website hosting
Pink Ribbon FoundationPink Ribbon Foundation website is a WordPress enabled website with custom templates designed for breast cancer charity, The Pink Ribbon Foundation. Website features SEO enhancing techniques and makes use of WordPress image and gallery plug-ins.
It's difficult to describe the consistently excellent level of service that Jianway gives to us. I have lost count of the number of times I have recommended them to others. On top of that they are often making suggestions to me not only to enhance our website but on articles they have seen to so with breast cancer. With Jianway we know we are 100% covered.Jonathan Prince, Chair of the Trustees, The Pink Ribbon Foundation

CMS, website development & website hosting
Brentwood Atletic Football Club website was built and managed with Jianway WebCMS. Our WebCMS enables the club's webmaster to update all sections of their website inside a login protected area. Updates are published instantenously and all the club's stakeholders are kept up to date with the news and changes within the club.

Business software application
Image 2000Custom Windows OS software application for file processing developed in .NET.
Jianway Ltd Directors & Staff have provided a standard of work with attention to detail of the highest quality. Their diligence & confidentiality is refreshing, we look forward to working with them in the future.Robert Lunt, Director, Image2000
.NET software development
Reverse Delta- Development, support and project management of an extranet for schools
- Recruitment software application for CV processing
- Online application for creating wills
I have worked with Jianway for a long time. They combine great project management and technical design skills with top quality software engineering and interface design. We have worked together on both web and software development projects. I think of them as a 'safe pair of hands' for some of our more complex projects and have no hesitation in recommending their servicesDave Bancroft, Director, Reverse Delta
CMS & website development
ZerofeeContent management system and website integration for Zerofee clients. CMS includes Rich Text Editor that allows user to edit text using most common styles as well as pre-defined CSS styles.
We never hesitate to involve Jianway in the digital projects that we undertake. They help us sleep at night - our clients are happy with the professional, economical and rapid results; we enjoy a friendly, supportive and calm working relationship that can be very hard to find with other developers. It feels like giving away a trade secret, but we can recommend Jianway with complete confidence.Paul Buck, Director, Zerofee

CMS, website development & website hosting features login protected area where members can create press release and upload related image. Website is managed with CMS which enables Greenorbit to approve member registrations and update their website at any time.
I've worked with Jianway on the development of the Greenorbit website from the idea conception to the finished product. They have been available to give advice throughout the creative process and they have quickly and efficiently come up with innovative solutions for all our technical requests. I can only give warmest recommendations for these guys; I know that we'll be using them in the future.Miro Miljevic, Founder,

CMS & website development
Content management system and website integration for key to alef clients.
Jianway provides the most satisfying, friendly and efficient service ever. These guys seems to make everything possible and deliver on time and to a highest standards. No one else took such a care of us and our work. Great stuff!Kasia Molga-Delija, Founder, Key to Alef

Facebook application
Facebook application development for Windows, Apache, mySql, php platform.

Logo and visual design for website
Logo and website design for Homeless UK websites had to closely follow their existing brand, be easily modified for local website variations, and work with website already structured for full accessibility. Homeless UK website is designed to be clean and uncluttered with hint of colour to accentuate website elements, and is styled exclusively through CSS.
Website design & development
StoreGeneLogin protected website for demonstrating gene calculations.
Java based application for gene calculations.
Java software application
QuantemolDesign and implementation of the graphical user interface (GUI) developed in Java for QuantemolN, software tool that brings full accessibility to the highly sophisticated UK molecular R-matrix code, used to model electron polyatomic molecule interactions.
Java/JSP online CMS
Smartlogic SemaphoreLookout Content Administrator (LCA), an internal online content management system for Lookout, was developed for Linux/Tomcat/Java platform. Platform choice was based on the most common set of skills at Smartlogic Semaphore to allow for low cost maintenance.